Culture & Tradition - your well-being

we love, what we do

Wirat-Thaimassage offers a variety of massages, individually tailored to your needs. Do you prefer a gentle relaxation massage or a strong sports massage? An oil massage with coconut oil from sustainable, organic agriculture, with hot stones or herbal stamps? Or would you prefer a traditional Thaimassage without oil, in light sportswear with intensive stretching? Are you looking for relaxation and well-being for the whole body or concentrated treatment of heavily stressed body areas like back, shoulder, neck, feet & calves?
In Thailand, the Thaimassage, deeply rooted in culture and tradition, is one of the natural conveniences that women and men, young and old, regularly enjoy to increase their physical and mental wellbeing. Let yourself be pampered and increase your quality of life.   Your Wirat

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Gift vouchers

Give your loved ones a massage voucher as a gift.
Our gift vouchers are valid for at least three years!

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Wirat Thaimassage

Siegelbacher Str. 97

67659 Kaiserslautern-Erfenbach


Mo. - Sa. von 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung!

Bitte um rechtzeitige Reservierung, da unsere Verfügbarkeit beschränkt ist.


Mon. to Sat. from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. after prior registration!

Please book early as our availability is limited.


Kontakt / Contact us:

T. 06301 389 74 85

M. 0176 252 77 199