Our services

Traditional Thai Massage

Intensive stretching exercises combined with sophisticated pressure techniques promote blood circulation in the skin, connective tissue and muscles. It is carried out without the use of oil in light sportswear. Based on pressure points along 10 key energy lines of the body, which power all physical, mental and emotional processes, massaging along these key energy lines can break energy blockage, stimulate the circulation and restore general well-being.

60 Min. = 35,- EUR // 90 Min. = 49,- EUR

Thai Yoga Massage

Yoga stretching combined with elements of Thai aromatherapy oil massage - the client is undressed down to their underwear (appropriate coverage is guaranteed) and the therapist applies aromatic organic massage oil. The pressure point massage along selected energy lines (with elbows, thumbs and palms) stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, relieves muscle tension and improves mobility and posture. We use high-quality warm aromatic oils.

60 Min. = 35,- EUR // 90 Min. = 49,- EUR

Aroma Oil Massage

Harmonizing aromatic oils are used. Massaged deep into the muscles and connective tissue, they provide revitalization and relaxation. Essential oils penetrate into the lower layers of the skin and have an effect on the body's nerves and lymphatic system. Symptoms such as tension, headaches and stress are alleviated. The classic!

60 Min. = 35,- EUR // 90 Min. = 49,- EUR

Thai Sports Massage

is specifically tailored to sporting injuries or ailments. It is not meant to be a relaxing massage and, indeed, can become quite vigorous at times. Contrary to its name, sports massage is not only utilised by professional sportspeople or people that exercise heavily. It is of benefit to anyone that exercises, even if it is only mild exercise such as regular walking.

60 Min. = 42,- EUR // 90 Min. = 57,- EUR

Hotstone Massage

is a relaxing combination of aroma oil massage and soothing effect of heated lava stones. A pleasure for body, mind and soul. Hot Stone Massage involves application of water-heated basalt stones of varying sizes to key points on the body, giving a deep massage and creating sensations of comfort and warmth. Direct heat relaxes muscles, allowing manipulation of a greater intensity than regular massage.

60 Min. = 48,- EUR // 90 Min. = 67,- EUR

Thai Herbal Compress Massage

The herbal stamps contains numerous herbs lightly bound in fabric which is steamed until warm and firmly rolled. After a full body Thai Massage, the hot herbal compress is pressed over the entire body in order to soothe muscle and stimulate the vital organs and senses. Thai Herbal Compress Massage has many beneficials such as relief muscular aches, pains and tension. It also helps to improve and stimulate the lymphatic system and increases blood flow and circulation.

60 Min. = 48,- EUR // 90 Min. = 67,- EUR


Do you want to feel light, relaxed and energised again? Muscle tension, aches and pains can often hold us back from doing the things we want or need to do. This massage is beautifully relaxing and targets all the places you hold the most tension. Choose your desired level of pressure, whether you need a strong massage to relieve built up tension, or a gentle and tranquil experience if you just need a break from busy life.

60 Min. = 35,- EUR // 90 Min. = 49,- EUR

Thai Foot Massage

is an ancient Chinese massage, that has been in use for more than 3,000 years. Sensory nerves of the body's inner organs are spread throughout the body and are connected to the most superficial layer of the body, such as the skin. All sensory nerves are rooted primarily at the bottom of the foot. Massaging and pressing specific points on the soles of the feet associated with particular organs produces a therapeutic effect in corresponding parts of the body, helps stimulate activities of the inner organs and improves blood and lymph circulation.

30 Min. = 22,- EUR // 60 Min. = 35,- EUR

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Wirat Thaimassage

Siegelbacher Str. 97

67659 Kaiserslautern-Erfenbach


Mo. - Sa. von 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung!

Bitte um rechtzeitige Reservierung, da unsere Verfügbarkeit beschränkt ist.


Mon. to Sat. from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. after prior registration!

Please book early as our availability is limited.


Kontakt / Contact us:

T. 06301 389 74 85

M. 0176 252 77 199
