Professional Thai Massage since 2012

live a passion

Welcome - Sawadee Kha!

Enjoy a traditional Thai massage of your choice in a family atmosphere. After a stressful day at work, as a preventive measure or in case of tension pains, you will experience a feeling of physical well-being and inner peace. In my massage studio in Kaiserslautern-Erfenbach you will experience the feeling of Asian hospitality to the sounds of relaxing music. Always bring some time for an aromatic tea after the treatment as well.
Please make an appointment in person, by e-mail or by phone! In the interest of my clients, I cannot interrupt an ongoing treatment for phone calls.  If your phone number is not suppressed, I will call you back!
*** Sorry, but no credit cards accepted ***

Important notice

Please inform us of any (pre-)illnesses before the massage so that we can tailor your massage to your individual needs. The wellness massages offered are exclusively for physical and mental relaxation as well as for health care. I am not authorized to make medical diagnoses or give therapeutic advice. If in doubt and in the case of known illnesses and risks, such as diabetes, cancer, heart and vascular diseases, please always contact your doctor first!  Your Wirat

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Wirat Thaimassage

Siegelbacher Str. 97

67659 Kaiserslautern-Erfenbach


Mo. - Sa. von 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung!

Bitte um rechtzeitige Reservierung, da unsere Verfügbarkeit beschränkt ist.


Mon. to Sat. from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. after prior registration!

Please book early as our availability is limited.


Kontakt / Contact us:

T. 06301 389 74 85

M. 0176 252 77 199